Saturday, 7 May 2016

Ex Machina

Ex Machina is a psychological Science Fiction that asks a commonly asked question in a unique way; what makes us human? What makes Ex Machina unique is its simplicity; it has 3 characters and is mainly dialogue based; but don’t let that fool you into thinking that it is a boring film. The film uses dialogue to create some intense scenes and the action that is used in the film is used sparingly and effectively.

Nathan (Oscar Issac) is the inventor of the biggest search engine in the world and has created an AI, Nathan has one final test to do on the AI which involves getting an outsider (Caleb played by Domnhall Gleeson) to evaluate the human qualities of the AI (Ava played by Alicia Vikander). Oscar Issac is brilliant as always playing a somewhat manipulative character and proves himself again to be the next big actor in Hollywood. Domnhall Gleeson is also great as the participant in this experiment and Alicia Vikanders’ acting ability shows through with her reflecting numerous emotions through just her eyes. The special effects for Ava are amazing; seamlessly transferring her artificial body with her human face.

Ex Machina is a thought provoking film with brilliant performances and dialogue. A must see for fans of high concept Science Fiction.   

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